Monday, May 5, 2014

I attended a social gathering last Friday, and brought a selection of pre-made bracelets at the request of the hostess and a few other attendees.  They all loved the bracelets, but most wanted certain beads from two or three different bracelets to create  their own unique piece of jewelry.  This worked out to a certain extent, in that everyone who wanted a bracelet got to choose for themselves what the end product would look like.  The downside - it took a long time to take apart and re-assemble these bracelets and I didn't have my tools or a proper place to work. Also, I a much larger selection of bracelet sizes and bead & spacer styles and colors at home.  We talked about this, and decided that the best way to proceed would be to schedule home parties where each participant would pay a set fee and get to choose what they want.  I would provide snack food and drinks to make it a pleasant social gathering where the girls can socialize and maybe make new friends.  So I'm going to try this out, starting with an invitation to a group of 6-8 girls to my house so I don't have to cart around my inventory and supplies. In addition, there may be individuals who want to bring their own group, either from work or their own circle of friends, for an evening out.  I will probably create a new e-mail account that will be dedicated to this, and get some business cards made up.  I will continue to attend the occasional community craft sale, and with pre-made pieces, and distribute business cards to potential customers of the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) home parties.  Looking forward to your feedback.